BMNYE 2019 Dispothek Alleycat (31.12)

BMNYE is coming!

For the Tuesday (31.12) afternoon Dispothek we would like to give you some information in advance since it’s gonna be a new approach to a dispatcher alleycat.

You can already start building teams consisting of a dispatcher and up to 3 riders. The dispatcher needs the Telegram app (mobile or desktop) to receive jobs from us, but there is no need for the dispatcher to be in FFM during the race. Please organize the means for the internal team communication yourselves (e.g. radio, zello, discord, phone/internet call, pidgeons, smoke signals… ).

Below you find a registration form for the Dispothek Alleycat and we would very much appreciate you registering beforehand if you already have your team assembled.

[Registration is closed]

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